Important notice: BRADLEYS BOTH COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL IS NOW A MEMBER OF THE YORKSHIRE COLLABORATIVE ACADEMY TRUST On 1st April 2023 our school converted to become a member of YCAT. Read more

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School Lunches


School meals are cooked on site every day.

EYFS & Key Stage 1 Lunches 

The Government from September 2014 announced all Reception and Key Stage 1 children will be entitled to receive a school meal at no cost to the parent/guardian.

School meals are healthy, tasty, social and fun and from September 2014 choosing a school lunch for your child/children will help save you up to £500 per year if you take up the offer. In North Yorkshire we anticipate that this will be a popular offer with children and guardians. To help us plan and ensure we are able to deliver a high quality school meal to every eligible child in September and in the future, please advise us if your child will not be taking up this offer.

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In February 2024 our school worked in collaboration with other YCAT schools to bring the catering service in-house. Bettina, our School Cook and Nikola the Kitchen Assistant now work as part of the Bradleys Both staff team family to provide our school meals.  Freshly prepared meals are prepared in our school kitchen, on the school site. The meals are prepared daily to a very high standard by our resident school cook. An option of main meal, vegetarian meal and either jacket potato or sandwich / wrap meal is offered every day. YCATERing is supported by WLP Consultancy to ensure that all food served in school is nutritionally balanced and based on the Government’s nutritional food standards guidelines.  A good hearty lunchtime meal ensures that our children can work better in the afternoons.

Children who have a special dietary requirement are catered for in partnership with parental discussion including religious, cultural or allergy and/or intolerance diets. Please contact school if your child requires a special diet or ask to speak to the School Cook directly.

Key Stage 2 Lunch 

Children may have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch from home.

Dinner money can be paid weekly or termly on

School dinners are currently priced at £14.50 per week or £2.90 per day (updated September 2024).

Please note that if your child is sick, you must inform school by 9.00am otherwise you will be charged for their lunch.

Please find below details of the school meal website. This website includes information about all aspects of school meals.

Can my child still bring a packed lunch?

Yes they can, but we would encourage them to try a school lunch. This will give them a varied and balanced diet and save you time and money.

*NB: A cash alternative is not available for those pupils not taking a school lunch from September 2014

Food Hygiene Rating

We are proud to inform you that on 13th March 2024 our new school catering service gained the top Food Hygiene rating of 5.

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Pupil Premium / Free School Meal Entitlement

The Pupil Premium Grant is a government initiative designed to target resources in schools towards pupils deemed eligible for such funding. Specifically the Pupil Premium money is provided to the school to support the education of those students who are

  • Currently on Free School meals (FSM) or who have been on FSM at any point over the past 6 years
  • Children who have been looked after continuously for at least 6 months (CLA)
  • Children adopted from care
  • Service children – children of service personnel in the last four years

If you think that your child may qualify for free school meals and are currently not in receipt of FSM, you should apply directly to NYCC using the free school meal form, form enclosed within your administrative form folder.

From July 2014, schools in England can receive the Pupil Premium for children adopted from care and there is now no cut off for age of the adopted young person as there was previously. Schools can claim the Pupil Premium for children who left care under a residence Order on or after 14 October 1991.

The Pupil Premium is to help schools raise the attainment of students and close the gap with their peers that currently exists at national level.

School Lunch Menus

Currently being reviewed - sample menus will be uploaded soon


Fruit Breaks

Class 1 and Class 2 receive a piece of fruit as part of the Government’s Five a Day initiative. Children are allowed to bring their own fruit or healthy snack to school. Please refer to for further information.


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