01535 633116

Polar Class (Class 3)


Mr Pearson is the Class Teacher for Polar Class. He is assisted by Mrs Midgley and Mrs Rogers as Teaching Assistants.

Polar Class is a mixed age class of Year 3 and Year 4 children.  

Class Routines

  • Children complete an early morning task when they arrive at school to reinforce previous learning
  • Mornings generally consist of Reading Fluency, Mathematics and then English.
  • PE kit needs to be brought into school on Wednesday for Class PE. 

  • The children are requested to wear their full school PE kit to school on Thursdays.  They will have their PE lessons taught as Year groups on Thursday afternoons. 
  • Spellings are tested on a Friday morning

  • IXL access is provided as Homework activities linked to class work

Class Teaching

  • Polar Class work as a whole class every morning and on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. 
  • Science, History, Geography and RE are generally taught on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
  • On Friday afternoon we focus on teaching Personal Development which includes PSHCE, University of Bradley and our whole school Celebration Assembly. 

Year Group Teaching

  • We find opportunities for our children to also work in their Year Groups during the week. 
  • On Monday afternoons the Year 3 and Year 4 children are taught as separate Year Groups for Music and Art / DT.
  • On Thursday afternoons the Year 3 and Year 4 children are taught as separate Year Groups for Computing and Physical Education.